What Japanese buyers need to know about US public deals
このレポートでは、東京オフィスのパートナーである中島 智子弁護士が、ニューヨークオフィスのパートナーであるPaul HumphreysとZheng (Jonathan) Zhouとともに、米国上場企業を対象としたM&A取引について、以下のとおり、様々な面からQ&A形式で解説しています。
- Typical deal structure for a US public deal
- Fiduciary duties and their impact on the sales process
- Agreements between bidder and target and/or major shareholder?
- Role of the board and the CEO during negotiations
- Point in time of negotiating compensation and retention packages
- Breaches of fiduciary duties and risk of litigation initiated by shareholders
- Choice of the investment bank
- Same strict standards of fiduciary duties for private M&A? Further differences?