ALB Japan Law Awards 2024にて“Antitrust and Competition Law Firm of the Year”および中島智子弁護士が“Woman Lawyer of the Year (Law Firm)”を受賞
Asian Legal Business(ALB)およびThomson Reuters主催のALB Japan Law Awards 2024の授賞式が2024年6月12日(水)にザ・リッツ・カールトン東京にて開催され、当事務所は、以下の7つのカテゴリーにおいて今年度のファイナリストに選出され、“Antitrust and Competition Law Firm of the Year”および中島智子弁護士が“Woman Lawyer of the Year (Law Firm)”の賞を受賞しました。
- Antitrust and Competition Law Firm of the Year
- International Deal Firm of the Year
- Japan Law Firm of the Year
- M&A Deal of the Year (Premium): Nippon Express Acquires Global Freight Forwarding Business Cargo-Partner
- M&A Deal of the Year (Premium): SMBC's Strategic Investment in Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank
- Managing Partner of the Year (中尾 雄史)
- Woman Lawyer of the Year (Law Firm) (中島 智子)